Tuesday, May 19, 2009

CHAPTER 2 : Carmina Burana

Imagine a guy like me (still in early 20s), carried a heart with lots of misfortunes in the near past. Flashes my memory with Carl Off’s “Carmina Burana”. A bad fortune would bring down a good person to poverty or even death. I let this kind of dirty fortune to play its own game into my garden of life.
Fortune came to me in the form of a passing cloud. But it wasn’t just an ordinary cloud that would pour pure water and get me soaked wet. Instead it was acidic that hurt my skin and produced holes.
Fortune visited me once again in the form of a bright shining object. Just like a direct impact of a solar eclipse upon a naked eye, it produced a total eclipse to my heart with no reason or rhyme. I’m not trying to get poetic but this is surreal and you can see upon me for yourself.
The passing cloud was my money. I was totally unfortunate with that. The AICTE from our country’s capital cheated a sum of Rs.37, 98, 890 to me and another dozen of guys. You get acidic inside your heart (so painful) when you are not paid for your work.
Here the shining object refers to the filthy politics at my college. The politics have gone broader in negative sense that produced a great impact on my CGPA and my self-confidence . I got almost blind after seeing such attrocities in front of me.
Sadness, sadness … and yes a lot of sadness creeps into your heart when struck by misfortunes. That why the series of misfortunes is often compared with fate.

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